The decision to study abroad is not an easy one! Depending
on the program, studying abroad requires you to spend some money, possibly
delay your graduation date (if you can’t transfer enough credits) and live away
from your family in a totally new environment. Needless to say, you need to do
a lot of planning, but the benefits are extensive. Take the opportunity!

Step-by-step, the application process at SMU can go like this:
- Research destinations and options (semester vs year vs short program)
- Apply for mobility awards (November)
- Apply for the exchange (Jan-Feb)
- Be interviewed for the exchange
- Apply for mobility awards again if you didn’t get one the first time around (March)
- Be recommended by SMU for the exchange
- Apply to the host university
- Be accepted by the host university
- Complete a Letter of Permission to transfer credits
- Attend information sessions with International Activities
- Apply for a Visa for the host country (if applicable)
- Book flights, make final preparations, pack and GO
I won’t go into detail on any of these here; if you would
like more information, please visit SMU International Activities.
Applying to study abroad and planning your study abroad are made so much easier
by International Activities.